Perth radio identity Bob Maumill has come out in support of his longtime friend disgraced former WA Premier Brain Burke. Bob Maumill, who has been a friend of Mr Burke for decades, today said people and businesses came to him because he knew how to get results."They knock on Burke's door, or Grill's door, out of frustration," Mr Maumill told ABC Radio.

Mr Maumill said he accepted Mr Burke had gone too far and cut too many corners in some cases.

But he said his brand of patronage was widespread throughout Australian politics.

"Yeah, but tell me a political party that doesn't do it," he said.

"The major political parties in Australia, careers are born of patronage."

Asked if he thought the scandal would end Mr Burke's lobbying career, Mr Maumill said: "I wouldn't think so".

With input from WA BUSINESS NEWS