If you’re part of an emerging band or know someone who’s in one, they can enter
I Am With The Band online at www.novafm.com.au by simply registering and submitting their original song.
Ten shortlisted bands will be selected by an industry expert judging panel to receive radio airplay on Nova nationally exposure and a $50,000 marketing campaign that could help launch their career.
After a gruelling self-driven marketing campaign thanks to Street Press Australia, MySpace Music and Access All Areas, one band from each state will be chosen via public vote. The band with the most fans registered on www.novafm.com.au by April 2010 will score $10,000 cash.
A number of inspirational Australian bands and singers – including Evermore, The Rogue Traders, Bluejuice, Kisschasy and Ladyhawke have come on board to endorse I Am With The Band, reflecting on their careers and the role Nova has played in propelling them into the mainstream.
Nova’s I Am With The Band launched, Monday January 25. Entries close Sunday February 14.
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