The industry report will provide a comprehensive market snapshot of digital radio and will include top line digital radio listening figures from Nielsen Radio Ratings, consumer research from Nielsen Panorama and Hoop Group, digital radio sales data from GfK and consumer survey information sourced from tracking studies on Commercial Radio Australia’s digitalradioplus website and facebook page.
Chief executive officer of Commercial Radio Australia, Joan Warner said speculation on the sales figures of digital radios have been widespread since the switch on of digital radio in the five state capitals but sales figures tell just one part of the story.
“The industry initiated tracking of digital radio sales around the time of the initial low power switch on phase and of digital radio listening via the Nielsen audience measurement surveys since services began on air. We are now commissioning further research to better understand what listeners might want from digital radio.
“All of this valuable information from a variety of sources will be compiled into the digital radio industry report and released early in the New Year.
“The post Christmas data will give us a real feel for trending in sales as it’s obviously one of the biggest retail cycles of the year.”
An extensive consumer study will begin in the coming weeks with the aim to measure awareness amongst radio listeners of the digital radio offering, perceptions of and awareness of the new Digital Radio Plus brand, levels of intent to purchase, feedback from digital radio users on receiver features and even programming. The study will also explore the consumer retail experience when purchasing a new radio.
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