The Advertising Expenditure in Main Media report for six months ended June 30, 2009, released yesterday, shows ad expenditure in Australia has fallen 8.5% in the six months ended June 2009, compared to the same timeframe in 2008. It also shows that in the six months ended June 2008, total advertising expenditure (excludes classified directories) grew around six per cent.
The CEASA report shows that in the six months ended June 2009, ad expenditure on radio (regional and metropolitan) fell about seven per cent (7.4%) to $449.7 million. In comparison, newspapers fell 18%; magazines fell 9.3%; television fell 10.6%; outdoor fell 13.4% and cinema was down 4.2%. Online grew 12% in the same time period.
The report also shows that radio and online were the only media to gain share in total advertising expenditure.
Ms Warner said the latest figures highlight that radio is a great advertising medium, particularly in tough economic times.
“These are tough times with ad expenditure down overall by a significant amount. The radio industry is working hard to promote its strengths with our latest advertising campaign, “Radio Advertising, Economically Sound”, which highlights the need to trade through the economic crisis and advertise on
radio, ” Ms Warner said.
“Radio is a cost effective and efficient means of getting your message across.”
Ms Warner said the switch-on of digital radio over the past few months in the five capitals around Australia should also help in attracting new advertising opportunities for radio in future years.
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