There is a new drive show on Melbourne radio and it might just be the tonic that Vega 91.5 needs to climb the ratings ladder.

Wilbur Wilde understands the music he plays and that seems to connect well with the audience. The passion and knowledge about the music shines through - the stories and quotes he adds are a bonus.

Radio just might be crying out for a drive time show that does more than play a good mix of music although there are shows out there that are doing it well.  

At the other end of the spectrum, Vega drive is refreshing unlike some other FM stations (catering to totally different demographics of course) Wilbur does not talk down to callers through boof headed comedy routines and dodgey/risky call in topics.

When the lines are thrown open for callers to contribute to the topic, what ever that may be, it is refreshing to hear callers and host talking on the same level with Wilbur knowing just what to extract from the caller.

Vega drive 3.00pm to 6.00pm Monday to Friday.