Source and entire article from The Daily Telegraph

Kyle Sandilands might have a good face for radio - but he scrubbed up well for this year's Archibald Prize, where he is portrayed as Henry VIII.

Sandilands' portrait by Arith Mohamad was delivered to the Art Gallery of NSW yesterday, as the $50,000 painting prize got off to a strong start.

Entering the unpredictable Archibald is an act of blind faith for any artist, but particularly so for Keith Rutherford, who is legally blind and has peripheral vision only. That hasn't stopped him entering a portrait of author Bill Condon.

ABC journalist Kerry O'Brien was also delivered to the gallery yesterday, in the persona of a portrait by Brendon Darby.

A worried-looking former prime minister John Howard peers over O'Brien's shoulder, while the text of one of their on-air verbal jousts appears in the background.

Other identities entered in the Archibald yesterday included Anglican Archbishop of Sydney Peter Jensen (by Filippa Buttitta), Mark Ashhurst SC (Anthony Chandler) and former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett (Karl Schott).

Entries close on Friday, with the winner to be named on March 7.
